Le blog de la robotisation logistique à l'ère de la Supply Chain 4.0

Toutes les clés pour transformer votre entrepôt et optimiser vos activités logistiques dans le E-commerce, le Retail et l'Industrie. 



Are robots really going to steal our jobs?

Par SCALLOG Experts | le | temps de lecture : 9 min

We live in an increasingly automated economy. As consumers, we are constantly tracked by digital tools and algorithms. This is an established trend: but is it really progress?

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The ergonomic design of workstations enhancing logistics efficiency

Par SCALLOG Experts | le | temps de lecture : 9 min

Working conditions are a major issue in logistics. Remember that on average an order picker can walk up to 15 kilometres and carry 1 to 8 tons every day! Once we realize that searching for and fetching products can account for as much as 70% of an operator's unproductive time, we understand the value of Goods to Man robotics: an automation solution that improves productivity and working conditions for operators.

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The five mistakes to avoid when choosing an automation supplier

Par SCALLOG Experts | le | temps de lecture : 13 min

For the last 10 years, Scallog has been producing automated logistics solutions based on mobile shelf units in its Nanterre factory. Thanks to our clients, we’ve accumulated a good deal of experience in various sectors of the economy.

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Logistics in VUCA mode

Par SCALLOG Experts | le | temps de lecture : 7 min

The logistics sector is under severe strain! For the past years, one crisis has followed another, leaving operators and warehouse managers with scarcely any room to breathe. The pandemic, lockdown and the blockade of the Suez Canal have all highlighted the fragility of the supply chain. And now the fallout from the war in Ukraine is further complicated by the impact of China’s zero-tolerance Covid containment strategy.

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Votre entrepôt est-il prêt à être omnicanal ?



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